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eT4® PAGES - One size fits all: From smart phones, tablets, computers to information termials and really huge displays

Fully responsive output modules for all tourist topics and channels

Whether tour planner, host search, event calendars or destination finder - with our fully responsive eT4® PAGES, we provide a quick, easy and inexpensive modern output module based on your data.
The eT4® PAGES do not just automatically adjust the screen size from PC to smartphone (keyword: responsive design), but - thanks to a revolutionary pricing model - even your purse.


For more information, have a look at

You want to try it for yourself with data from your home-town? Just click here:


If you are Solution-Partner, you can request the source-code of this project. Just mail us:

Configurable parameters
Parameter Description
template Page beeing used for streaming function. This is a empty page with the homepagelayout. There shall be two placeholders. "[eT4 Title]" where the title of the pages will be rendered and [eT4 Pages] where the maincontroll will be rendered. Sample: The result with this template-url will be
subdomain subdomain of the project.
Display settings
Parameter Description
sort Defines the default sort mode if not set via url parameter. Possible values: relevance, changedrelevance, random, title, price (only available in hotel), bookablefirst (only available in hotel), chronological (only available in events). Default: relevance (chronological in events)
view Defines the default view template if not set via url parameter. Possible values: list, gallery, map, calendar (only available in events)
cal_view Default mode of calendar (only available in events). Possible values: month, agendaWeek, agendaDay, basicDay
mode Default time search mode if not set via url parameter. (currently only available in events). Possible values: next_months (possible with int-value: next_months,4), now, next_hours (possible with int-value: next_hours,5), today, this_weekend, next_weekend, next_days (possible with int-value: next_days,7), date (or date,today,tomorrow)
available_mode Overrides the default search logic. See "mode" for possible values.
predefined_teaser If set, predefined blocks will be shown on the detail page. See eT4.META: predefined
Template offsets
Parameter Description
header Header-offset / header-height.
footer Footer-offset / footer-height.
scroll Scrolling-offset.
scroll_element Id of the element that shall be used for scrollbar (own scrollbar). Default: scrollbar of the whole html page.
Parameter Description
confirm_email_template Template used to send the mails.
Hyper settings
Parameter Description
changed_days_on_search_all Only check hyper-data on object if it has been changed/updated in the last x days.
default_sort Sets the default-sort of the hyper data if the button "only show available objects" has been clicked. Possible values: pricebookablefirst
Widget settings
Parameter Description
zopim: enabled Enables/disables the zopim chat module.
zopim: widget_id Zopim-Widget-Id, if you want to use your own zopim module.
google analytics: enabled Enables/disables the google analytics module.
google analytics: widget_id Google-Analytics-Widget-Id (can be used more than once).
embed_dialog: enabled Enables/disables the "embedding"-button.
trust you: enabled Enables/disables the TrustYou module.
smart banner: enabled Enables/disables the app-ads on all pages (incl. iOS, Android). Default: false.
smart banner: name App-Name (needed for iOs < 6 and Android).
smart banner: author App-Author (needed for iOs < 6 and Android).
smart banner: price App-Price. Default: free. (needed for iOs < 6 and Android).
smart banner: icon Url to app-icon (needed for iOs < 6 and Android).
smart banner: apple_itunes_app Meta-header for iOS (see apple documentation)
smart banner: google_play_app Meta-header for Android. The complete package-name has to be set here.
Color settings
Parameter Description
body Complete eT4.PAGES (css: .et4_pages_body).
hyperlink All hyperlinks (css: a, #facets .badge).
hyperlink_hover All hyperlinks (hover) (css: a:hover).
search_button Search-Button (css: #searchbutton).
booking_message Hyper-API messages (css: .more_bookable_results, .booking_message)
category_tag Category tags (css: .btn_category)
kitchen_tag Kitchen tags (css: .btn_kitchen)
detail_link All Detail-hyperlinks, sort-dropdown, panel accommodation (css: a.detail_button.btn-primary, #detail_links a, #accommodate_detail_form .btn-primary, .social_share_privacy_area .btn-primary, .acc-search.panel-heading, #sortwrapper .btn,  #sortwrapper .dropdown-menu a:hover, #sortwrapper .dropdown-menu a:focus, .acc-price .text-primary, .acc-default.panel-default, #acc-search-panel, .accommodation_button)
booking_link Booking-Buttons (css: a.detail_button.btn-success, .acc-bookable .btn-success, .acc-price .text-success, .acc-bookable.panel-default)
facets Active facets. Inverted at hyperlinks (css: #autocomplete_selections span.label.label-facet, #facets .active .badge, #facets .active a)

Possible color settings: color, background-color

Portal settings
Parameter Description
title Portal-Title
Url parameters

You can create many different views/lists. To make it so, there are some url-parameters than can be used to cusomize the resultset. These parameters can either be used in the url or in the searchbox in the page itself.

Parameter Description
category Filter on categories
city Filter on cities:
tag Filter on tags:

Default concatenation is "AND", but you can set it to "OR" explicitly

Sample: category "freibäder" OR "seen" (pools or lakes):

Take a look at the q-parameter of eT4.META-search.



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